Program Director

Dear friends,

Welcome to our seminary family!

Christian Education Program has for many years prepared teachers to serve in churches in Ukraine and outside of the country. We thank God for giving us the opportunity to serve our students and through them – churches. Seminaries and churches are integral parts of Christian Education. The program provides students with tools to work with all age groups.

Our goal is not only to communicate knowledge, but also to help believers grow in their personal faith in order to better serve those entrusted to their care.

Nataliia Chikota, Director of Christian Education Program

About Program

Mission Statement:
The mission of the Christian Education major at Kyiv Theological Seminary is to educate and prepare students to teach and train others for effective educational ministries in all venues (schools, churches, camping, outreaches, etc.) and to equip them to develop both theoretical and practical aspects of ministry.

Vision Statement:
The vision of the program is to see evangelical churches and schools and also other ministry contexts throughout Ukraine and Eurasia staffed with effective leadership and teachers who are communicating the gospel to all ages at all times in appropriate and creative ways and teaching all to observe what Christ has commanded.

The goals of the Christian Education major at Kyiv Theological Seminary are that the student would:

  1. Receive practical knowledge of methods and principles of teaching;
  2. Understand the foundations of Christian education and be able transfer and apply these understandings in their educational ministries and facilitate learning among other people;
  3. Model effectively the role of teacher and leader to assist others in developing teaching and leadership skills;  
  4. Function as a lifelong learner;
  5. Be able to communicate to, lead, motivate, manage and administrate people and programs in their educational ministries. 

Core Values:

  1. We value the educational ministry of the church.
  2. We value the need for accurate biblical teaching in all ministry contexts.
  3. We value practical application of classroom experience to real ministry.
  4. We value understanding the learner.


The curriculum of Christian Education major is composed of biblical, theological, and practical aspects, designed to prepare the student for effective ministry in and out of the church. The program seeks to create a balance between quality classroom learning and application of that learning through practical ministry assignments.

Major Courses:
CE 101 Introduction to Christian Education 
CE 102 Educational Psychology 
CE 201 Principles of Teaching 
CE 202 Teaching People with Special Needs 
CE 203 Teaching Preschoolers 
CE 301 Teaching Children 
CE 302 Teaching Adults 
CE 401 Administration in Christian Education        
CE 403 Curriculum Design 
CE 404 Camping 
CE 303 Teaching Teenagers and Youth 

Core Courses:
GS 101 Orientation 
BE 101 Hermeneutics 
GS 102 Grammar 
OT 101 Old Testament Survey 1 
OT 102 Old Testament Survey 2 
GS 115 Critical Thinking & Writing 1 
NT 201 New Testament Survey 1 
NT 202 New Testament Survey 2
PT 204 Homiletics 1 (for men)
GS 301 Public Speaking (for women)
TH 201 Theology 1 – Introduction, Revelation and the Nature of God
TH 202 Theology 2 – Man and Sin; Angels 
TH 301 Theology 3 – The person and work of Christ in salvation 
PT 304 Homiletics 2 (for men)
PT 306 Spiritual Leadership (for women)
CH 301 Church History 1
CH 302 Church History 2 
TH 302 Theology 4 – The Spirit and the Church, Last Things 
WM 410 World Mission and the Church
BE 146 Exposition of Romans 
PT 302 Biblical Counseling 
PT 402 Christian Theology and Spiritual Life
PT 401 Ethics