I am convinced that we as believers should pursue taking the regenerating Word of God to the law enforcement and other government institutions where church has limited access. I believe that the chaplains can be an effective tool to achieve this goal. When Christians stand for the truth and clearly and persuasively communicate it to the government, it should have a positive effect on the church. The government should be more open to allowing representatives from churches to serve as chaplains. The very presence of Christians in law enforcement and other governmental structures will indeed help to decrease cases of corruption, injustice and acts of violence, and it would positively impact moral transformation of the society at large.

This is why Kyiv Theological seminary (KTS) invites pastors, church ministers and representatives of Christian mission and parachurch organizations (both male and female) without any age restrictions to study at the Pastoral and Chaplaincy Program.

Valentyn Korenevych,
Director of Pastoral and Chaplaincy Program