Mission Statement:
The mission of the Biblical Studies major at Kyiv Theological Seminary is to educate and train students to effectively understand and communicate the Word of God in schools and churches.

Vision Statement:
The vision of the program is to see evangelical schools and churches in Ukraine and Eurasia staffed with full-time teachers and pastors who are communicating their love for the Lord and his Word, who are training others to love and obey him, and who are fulfilling the Great Commission in their regions.


  1. Equip students with a comprehensive theological education with an emphasis on theological and biblical studies.
  2. Inspire in students a vision and love for understanding and communicating the truths of Scripture.
  3. Expose students to relevant theological and hermeneutical systems in order to expand their own understanding of Scripture.
  4. Train students to do rigorous and effective theological and biblical exegesis.
  5. Prepare students for work in schools or churches as teachers through teaching on practical issues and through practical experience.

Core Values:

  1. We value the study of the Bible in the original languages (Nehemiah 8:8).
  2. We value the need for teachers and sound biblical teaching in schools and churches (Ephesians 4:11-12).
  3. We value a high standard of scholarship in order to both study and communicate orally and in writing in a clear and professional manner.
  4. We value practical experience as essential to the development of a gifted teacher.
  5. We value teaching as a vital part of the Great Commission (Matthew 28:20).