Missions Statement:
The mission of the Pastoral Mіnistry major at Kyiv Theological Seminary is to develop in students a solid biblical and theological understanding of the Bible so that they will preach God’s Word effectively (2 Tim. 4:2), will lead His church with a shepherd’s heart (1 Peter 5:2), and will passionately seek after the lost (Luke 15:6-7, 9-10; 19:10).

Vision Statement:
The vision of the program is to develop pastors and church leaders who will strengthen and enlarge local churches in Ukraine and Eurasia. Students, under the leading and control of the Holy Spirit, will develop and grow the local church by confidently preaching God’s Word in order to encourage and exhort the body of Christ. Also, students will deepen their passion for the lost and be able to prepare believers to evangelize those in the community who do not know Jesus as Savior (Matt. 28:18-20).


  1. Equip students with a biblical and theological education so that they will preach God’s Word accurately (2 Tim. 2:15) and with assurance.
  2. Develop pastors and other leaders who are uniquely gifted by God (Eph. 4:11-12; Rom. 12:3-8) to guide, direct, feed and protect the church.
  3. Prepare students to practically apply biblical and theological principles of God’s Word in their urban or rural ministry context.  
  4. Equip students with administrative abilities to manage their ministries especially in the areas of finances and training of future church leaders.
  5. Teach students how to lead the church with a humble heart, yet with strength and boldness to overcome the spiritual forces of wickedness.
  6. Instill in students a compassionate heart for sinners (Matt. 9:36) and a deep desire to evangelize the unrepentant. 


Core Values:

  1. We value the in-depth study of the Scriptures, so that pastors and other church leaders will be able to preach God’s Word without error, and teach every believer the biblical principles and theological truths of the Scriptures so that they will be complete in Christ (Col. 1:28).
  2. We value humility and a dependence on the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:16), and by these virtues a pastor or Christian leader will watch over the church (Heb. 13:17), as well as lead the body of Christ through periods of adversity and opposition. 
  3. We value strong character and a sincere trust in God so that a pastor or church leader will direct the body of Christ to live as righteous, transformed, God-fearing people in this fallen world (Rom. 12:2; James 1:27). 
  4. We value an intense awareness for the unsaved and an urgency to proclaim Christ as the only way for salvation (Acts 4:12) to a world that is hopelessly lost in sin.