Mission Statement:
The mission of the Church Planting major at Kyiv Theological Seminary is to equip students with the knowledge and experience to start reproducible churches.

Vision Statement:
The vision of the program is to train and equip student church planters to plant reproducible churches in Ukraine and Eurasia.


  1. Equip students with a comprehensive theological education with an emphasis on planting churches.
  2. Instill in students vision and passion for starting churches.
  3. Provide students with training in a wide range of ministry opportunities.
  4. Enable students to experience firsthand church planting.
  5. Expose students to various church planting models.
  6. Train church planters to eventually become independent of outside support.

Core Values:

  1. We value the necessity for practical experience coupled with a strong theological background.
  2. We value the need for church planting models to be reproducible. 
  3. We value the call of God and his gifts that enable a person to be a successful church planter.
  4. We value the importance of evangelistic small groups in church planting.
  5. We value the biblical mandate to “go and make disciples.